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Juicio arbitral patricio aylwin pdf download

Juicio arbitral patricio aylwin pdf download is a web search query that refers to the book El juicio arbitral, written by Patricio Aylwin, the former president of Chile, and Eduardo Picand, a lawyer and academic. The book is a revised and updated edition of Aylwin's thesis on arbitration, which he presented in 1943 at the University of Chile. The book covers the legal aspects, history, and practice of arbitration in Chile and other countries.

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The book was published in 2014 by LexisNexis Chile, but the author did not authorize the access to the full text of his document online. Therefore, the web search query juicio arbitral patricio aylwin pdf download may not yield any results that allow the user to download the book for free. However, some websites provide information about the book, such as its description, table of contents, and reviews.

For example, the website of Memoria Chilena, a digital library of the National Library of Chile, offers a brief summary of the book and its author. The website also shows the cover image and some pages of the book, but does not allow the user to download or read it online. The website of Fundación Patricio Aylwin, a non-profit organization that promotes democracy and human rights in Chile, also features an article about the book and its significance. The article explains that the book is a valuable contribution to the study of arbitration and reflects Aylwin's interest in alternative dispute resolution methods.

In conclusion, juicio arbitral patricio aylwin pdf download is a web search query that refers to a book on arbitration written by Patricio Aylwin and Eduardo Picand. The book is not available online for free download, but some websites provide information about it. The book is an important source of knowledge for lawyers, academics, and anyone interested in arbitration and its role in society.


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