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Generation Of Electrical Energy Br Gupta Pdf Download

Generation of Electrical Energy by B.R. Gupta: A Review

Generation of Electrical Energy is a textbook written by B.R. Gupta, a professor of electrical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. The book covers the fundamentals and principles of various methods of generating electrical energy from conventional and non-conventional sources, as well as the economic and environmental aspects of power generation. The book is intended for undergraduate students of electrical engineering, as well as professionals and researchers in the field.

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Overview of the Book

The book consists of 26 chapters, divided into six parts. The first part deals with the basics of power generation, such as load curves, power plant economics, tariffs, and power factor improvement. The second part covers the different types of thermal power plants, such as steam, gas, diesel, and combined cycle plants. The third part discusses the hydroelectric plants, including their classification, components, operation, and performance. The fourth part focuses on the nuclear power stations, their types, fuel cycles, safety measures, and waste disposal. The fifth part explores the new energy sources, such as solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, tidal, and fuel cells. The sixth part addresses the issues related to the operation and control of power systems, such as generating capacity reliability evaluation, hydrothermal coordination, parallel operation of alternators, system interconnections, captive power generation, and energy audit.

Features of the Book

The book has several features that make it a useful and comprehensive resource for learning and teaching power generation. Some of these features are:

  • The book is written in a simple and lucid language, with clear explanations and illustrations.

  • The book covers the latest developments and trends in the field of power generation, such as smart grids, distributed generation, renewable energy integration, and carbon capture and storage.

  • The book provides numerous solved examples and unsolved problems at the end of each chapter to reinforce the concepts and test the understanding of the readers.

  • The book includes appendices that contain useful data and tables related to power generation.

  • The book also provides references and web links for further reading and research.

How to Download the Book

The book is available in both print and digital formats. The print version can be purchased from various online and offline bookstores. The digital version can be downloaded from various websites that offer free or paid PDF downloads of books. Some of these websites are:

  • [Google Books]: This website allows users to preview and download books that are in the public domain or have permission from the publishers. Users can search for books by title, author, ISBN, or keywords. Users can also browse books by categories or genres.

  • [PDF Document]: This website allows users to upload and download documents in PDF format. Users can search for documents by keywords or categories. Users can also view documents online or download them for offline reading.

  • [IDOC]: This website allows users to download books in PDF format for free. Users can search for books by title, author, ISBN, or keywords. Users can also browse books by categories or genres.


Generation of Electrical Energy by B.R. Gupta is a comprehensive textbook that covers the various aspects of power generation from conventional and non-conventional sources. The book is suitable for undergraduate students of electrical engineering, as well as professionals and researchers in the field. The book can be downloaded from various websites that offer free or paid PDF downloads of books.


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